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主演:Wayne Daniel 

导演:Del Tenney 





更新时间:2023-06-18 12:09



恐怖派对沙滩是一部1964年上映的美国电影,由Del Tenney等导演拍摄制作,同时有众多知名演员加入演绎阵容让该影片锦上添花。恐怖派对沙滩这部电影主要讲述了While the hot rodders and motorcyclists are having a rock-and-roll beach party, a barrel of radioactive material is unloaded from a passing ship, plunges to the bottom and splits against a jagged rock. A black liquid oozes out and covers a shapeless mass on the ocean floor, which suddenly moves and becomes an encrusted vicious monster. Soon there are several monsters and they must have human blood to survive. Tina is the first victim, and football hero Hank Green and airhead Elaine Gavin enlist the aid of her science-professor father, Dr. Gavin, to solve and capture the killer. Not working fast enough to prevent the attack on twenty teen-agers at a slumber party nor the killing of three girl motorists, Dr. Gavin finds an arm lost by one of the monsters and discovers that only sodium will destroy the monsters whose composition is mostly water. Can they gather enough salt in southern California to put an end to this horror恐怖派对沙滩剧情紧凑,演技精湛,人物内心活动丰富,颇具感染力。自上播以来,一直受到大众影迷追捧,Del Tenney视眼开阔,许多作品被视为经典,此剧后期制作独具匠心,激发了观众的欣赏兴趣。
