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主演:Paul Ted Jason 迈克尔·麦康诺希 Namihei 沃尔特·琼斯 

导演:舒基·莱维 Strathford Paul 


地区:美国 日本



更新时间:2023-06-18 12:24



恐龙战队第一季是一部1993年上映的美国 日本动漫,由舒基·莱维,Strathford,Paul等导演拍摄制作,同时有众多知名演员加入演绎阵容让该影片锦上添花。恐龙战队第一季这部动漫主要讲述了Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released from imprisonment in an intergalactic dumpster on the moon. Later in the series, the rangers are joined by Tommy, the once evil Green Ranger designed for Rita's evil, but later was deprogrammed and spent two portions of the series briefly as the Green Ranger. Over time, some rangers had to pass their powers to others as well. Action scenes and scenes with Rita were edited from footage based on Japanese action sagas. Replacement villain Lord Zedd was designed in the U.S. Written by Ondre Lombard {piero@cyberverse.com}恐龙战队第一季剧情紧凑,演技精湛,人物内心活动丰富,颇具感染力。自上播以来,一直受到大众影迷追捧,舒基·莱维,Strathford,Paul视眼开阔,许多作品被视为经典,此剧后期制作独具匠心,激发了观众的欣赏兴趣。